Thursday, April 16, 2009

karate summer camps

Karate summer camps – Excellent fitness guide for your child

Most parents feel that great achievements in the field of education are of utmost necessity for their child. This is true, but for an all round development as a human being a child should learn some other vital rules of life as well, such as having respect for others, having self control, becoming capable of self defense, to learn important values in life and lastly self discipline. All these key personality traits can either make or break a person regardless of high education.

Sometimes we feel that a child is reluctant to go back to school after a long summer holiday. Your child may have done great in the previous year’s academics but seem to be lagging behind this year. He or she may seem lethargic and unenthusiastic in whatever they do. All these are very common problems in children when they join back school. The solution to these problems is with the parents. Instead of letting your child watch TV the entire day parents should think of channelizing their energy to a better cause. Karate summer camps can prove to be an excellent source for providing a fitness regime for your child while at the same time teaching him or her right motivational skills and set proper goal in their life.

The karate summer camps have expert instructors who lead their students through an exciting and thrilling course of karate. These camps will introduce your child to a world of self – defense and also enhance the skills of those who have prior experience. Though each karate summer camps may have different sets of activities but the basic activities of karate summer camps include:

. Kicking, striking, blocking drills, sparring and forms

. Methods of self defense with another partner

. Wrestling or ground work, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

. Having frank discussions and giving assignments.

. Karate training, with weapons like wooden sword and staff

. Breaking of boards

. Swimming

It is not always necessary that summer camps be very expensive. Karate summer camps are comparatively cheaper than other kinds of summer camps. One can find a good quality karate summer camp for as low as $300 per week. Parents need not to worry about the safety of their children as they are in safe and trained hands. Your child will remain under complete supervision.

With karate summer camps children learn to become part of a structured society. They become capable to fulfill any responsibility given to them. Apart from these the extra learning that they have is to set their own goals in life; they learn anger management, stress management, develop motivational skills, and most importantly discover to have a positive outlook towards life. The best part of any karate summer camps is that this rigorous training does not become a tiresome routine for the child but instead it is filled with pleasure and fun throughout.